Thursday, June 11, 2009

Here is a picture

Here is the story behind this picture:

I went for a walk one evening this spring. It had rained most of the week; things were wet.

I was almost to my destination when I looked over and saw a jet of water gushing out of the ground.

'Haha', I thought to myself, 'the sprinkler is broken!'

But then I realized that I was standing in a park-esque area surrounded by woods. It would be silly for a sprinkler, or any sort of water pipe, to be there.

Take a good look at that picture. That isn't a water pipe. Its a tree root.

Who woulda thought?

What would cause a tree root to become hollowed out so that spring runoff could run through it and then spout up into the air?

I thought it was a really cool thing! But there was no one around for me to share it with. And then I wondered... What if I am the only person to have ever actually witnessed this crazy little thing happen?! I mean, there's a lot of little circumstances that all have to be just right for that to happen; what if I'm the only one to have ever been there at just the right time to have seen it?

What if it was a God thing?

What if God said to himself, 'self, I'm going to make something way cool to show to one of my kids. Just me and her, we're the only two who will see it - it'll be something we'll share, it'll be great!'

Wouldn't that be cool?

I think that's something God would do.

1 comment:

  1. I saw something really similar to that once. Long time ago on a walk with my dad out in the middle of nowhere.


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