Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ah! I get it!!

Lent starts right at the time most people realize that the hibernating lifestyle they've been living throughout the winter months has made them a little more, well, bulky than usual!  Thus the reason for 40 days of fasting and abstaining from rich, fatty, sweet, wonderful, sinfully good food.  After all, bathing suit season is just around the corner!

Thank you Wii Fit for bringing this to my attention.


I think I'll be joining the fast myself this year - just as soon as those pesky mini eggs are gone...

Bring on the vegetables  :(

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Get Fat Tuesday

Well, Shrove Tuesday is here again - that day where it's socially acceptable to stuff your face with pancakes and doughnuts and all other sweets and treats and terribly unhealthy things all in the name of religion.  So I did my part by attempting to consume a 1kg bag of Cadbury mini eggs  (possibly not such a great idea).

Tomorrow I will celebrate Ash Wednesday by poking fun of all my Catholic cohorts who sport ashes on their foreheads for the day.  It is the day that they all 'look like ashes' after all.  The rest of the year they just look like a bunch of- ...well, you know.  :)  Kidding.  ha ha

And then it's Lent.  I don't really celebrate Lent well.  I tried last year, and failed miserably

That is all.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Now isn't that ironic

Did you know that the name of the president of Toyota is Mr Toyoda?  (Also, he is very sorry for being caught with his pants down - er, I mean, for the world finding out about all the quality issues with his cars.)

In other news, there is a new National Park scheduled to open in Labrador: "Mealy Mountains National Park".  That's kinda cool - at 11,000 sq km, it's bigger than Yellowstone and Yosemite National Parks combined!  (That's really big.)  The funny thing is, that in the same breath, they both claim that it will go a long way to conserving and protecting this chuck of land, and it will also draw tourists from around the globe!  I'm thinking that drawing tourists from all over the place to tromp through the forests, and light fires, and leave their garbage behind isn't a very effective way to conserve the land -  but what do I know.  It's all about balance, right?


'Doghouse Diaries' is my new favourite comic strip