Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Blog, blog, blog. !

I've been blogging less. Why? I donno
  • Maybe because I don't feel like I have anything blog-worthy to discuss.
  • Maybe blogging has deep-seated emotional ties that lets the writer explore his/her innermost secrets, allowing him/her to muddle through the difficulties of life while still being vague enough to keep most people in the dark. And I don't need that right now, so blogging has become unnecessary for me. ? :P

Meh. I mostly made that last one up.

  • Mostly, Its SUMMER!! And I have better things to do that sit here for hours on end writing silly stuff for you to read.

For example: I've been watching the tv series "Firefly". Many a good person has given rave reviews to this show. 'Ooh', they say, 'you like Dr Horrible, you'll love Firefly! They're very similar.'

Umm... yes? Ok, but... really, they're not. Captain Hammer and Captain Reynolds are played by the same actor I guess.

Dr Horrible is this 45 minute comic book hero/superpower/feel sorry for the bad guy/satirical/musical that is even more fun just because it isn't a high quality film. Firefly.... Well... Its good and all... I've watched about 8 or 9 episodes of it.... but.... Lets take every hour long Saturday afternoon tv show ever made (Zena, Hercules, Sinbad, That 3 Musketeers one, The Relic Hunter etc, etc), bunch them all up, pull out a space cowboy adventure, and ta-da! Firefly. Meh.

I bet you feel very enlightened.
How about this:

When I wake up in the morning, my house is shaking because of the construction down the street.
When I get home at night, my house is shaking because of the construction down the street.
My car is filthy dirty because of the construction down the street.
I have to take an annoyingly traffic-jammed long way to work every day because of the construction down the street.

Why'd you even bother reading that?? Its completely useless! Yeah, construction - its SUMMER! Get over it.

And now, I need to go grocery shopping. I've got a family reunion and a bridal shower to attend this weekend and both require food.

mmm.... bacon wrapped waterchestnuts....

As an added bonus to you my dear faithful reader, just because you have made it this far:
I have had a song stuck in my head for a good week or so. Goes like this:

If you're going through hell, keep on going
Don't slow down, if you're scared don't show it
You might get out before the devil even knows you're there

Why I have that song stuck my my head, I really don't know. Good advice I guess, but I don't really feel like I'm going through hell right now. At all. Seriously. Life is peachy. So... If YOU are going through hell, by all means, stick this song in your head. But for the love of all things good and holy, GET IT OUT OF MINE!!! Its driving me crazy.

K. Grocery shopping. I trust that it will be an uneventful trip.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Firefly and Dr. Horrible are very different. The similarities can be seen in the humour.

    I just got the Dr. Horrible DVD with the fancy extras and let me tell you - LOVE IT!!! You should get it, or come and visit me so you can watch/listen to Commentary! the musical (as the name implies it's a musical commentary)! It's been stuck in my head for two days now. Hilarious!


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