Thursday, June 11, 2009


This is my 100th post.

Ridiculous, isn't it?

I should be in bed.
I should be writing something a little more '100th post-ish' instead of just random junk.


My windows are open and I can smell the sweet perfume of skunk.

Some dude just drove down the street blaring his horn (I could tell it was a guy by the way the horn sounded - just trust me). That happens more often than you would imagine. I don't know if they like to think they're waking up the old folks in the nursing home next door, or trying to piss off the cops down the street or what. Its just annoying.

A group of people just stopped on the sidewalk outside talking loudly and swearing. I kinda think they were talking about buying drugs - they were trying to figure out how much money they had between them anyway. Where is the landlord's dog when you need her anyway?

I stumbled across the National Film Board website today. Naturally, I went looking for one thing. A 10 minute cartoon I hated watching as a kid, but now it's nostalgic and therefore cool: The Sweater. Didn't we all want a Montreal Canadiens sweater after watching that?? I also found The Cat Came Back, which I also vaguely remember watching as a child.

Speaking of hockey, am I the only one who thinks Detroit should win tomorrow night? I don't care if they won last year, that doesn't automatically make it Pittsburgh's turn to win this year! (Not that I really care, I don't really follow sports anyway.)

Tomorrow is Friday. That's a good thing.
I'm going to have dinner at Kings Buffet. That's an even better thing!

Am I... do I sound like a different person through my blog than I do in real life? I mean, there is that certain element of being able to hide behind a computer screen that makes me feel more willing to share thoughts and ideas through my blog. But man, some days, I wonder if my blog is taking on a personality of its own and maybe it's not a true reflection of who I really am. Or maybe it is?

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