Thursday, October 22, 2009

Like I was saying...

But really... what's the point of giving up the luxury?  Denying luxury because you feel guilty about it?  Doesn't God want us to enjoy the gifts He has given us?

Ugh... so many questions.  I guess I'll know the answers when I'm dead.


  1. The point of giving up unsustainable luxury is so that we can survive as a species...there is no mystery to it...

    The precious metals used to construct the components in your cell phone and laptop exist on Earth in finite quantities. The energy generated to run your electronic devices is generated primarily by the burning of natural gas and coal - which also exist in limited quantities.

    Since most of humanity views reproduction as an inalienable human right, and even people who can't afford to have children refuse to stop having them, we need to change the way we live to accommodate the exponentially increasing population. Either that or embrace the wholesale slaughter of people in other countries who are all clamouring to achieve the same level of luxury that we have. I think most people given the raw choice would choose the former; at least, I hope so...

  2. The earth may be finite, but the solar system isn't! We'll be mining on the moon within 50 years. bring up some valid points.


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