Monday, July 6, 2009


My Wii quit working. It just won't turn on. No power. No lights. No nuthin'.
It makes me go 'aw crap! I spent a bunch of money on this stupid thing and now what?'
Also, my bro bought me a rather expensive game for my birthday which I was sorta hoping to play (I think he was trying to suck up just before he asked me to MC his wedding.)

Anyway, I did what any self-reliant, non-techie, but not-a-complete-schmo, would do: I googled it.
"Wii won't power on"
And, bammo! Answer. There's a surge thingy in the power cord; unplug it all, wait a bit, plug it back in, should be good to go. I like answers like that.

It should be good to go now. Lets hope it works, otherwise, I've got a pretty pricey paperweight.

What did we ever do without Google?


  1. Before google there was.... NERDS and we'll be around after google is gone too.

  2. [insert brutal burn about nerds here]

    It worked! My Wii turns on again. The Google gods have smiled kindly upon me.

    And the game (although a workout/excercise game - boo), is actually pretty fun (yay).

  3. You learned that Google is your friend. Congrats. There are others who don't realize this yet, and it is sad.

  4. Friend is a bit of a stretch. I mean they harvest so much data from everything you do. Google is more like your omnipresent stalker on the internet.

    Google is your stalker!

  5. But... I thought YOU were me stalker! *sigh* so much to learn...

  6. You have to be nice to your stalkers or they get distracted. :p Stalking is a thankless job at times. lol


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