Saturday, July 25, 2009


I've been slowly reading 'The Ragamuffin Gospel' by Brennan Manning as of late. It's a bit of a change up from the last book I read (Lamb). For starters, there's no swearing in it; also it is not a novel, but more of a 230pg essay on grace and how people just don't get it even though its so darned simple.

You know what I like? As starkly contrasting as these two books are, they preach the same message. A message of unconditional love and abounding grace.

The consistency of that message is a reminder that all I have to do is reach out to God's love - let Him love me for who I am. Also, I should probably be trying harder to mirror those characteristics in my own life.

Quote for the day:
If Jesus appeared at your dining room table tonight with knowledge of everything you are and are not, total comprehension of your life story and every skeleton hidden in your closet; if He laid out the real state of your present discipleship with the hidden agenda, the mixed motives, and the dark desires buried in your psyche, you would feel His acceptance and forgiveness.
~ Ragamuffin Gospel

God knows I'm a screwup. Oh, does he know! But He loves me anyway. And He loves you too. Now, the trick is, to get us to love each other, (or at least, respect each other, or at the very least, quit judging each other), the way He loves the both of us.

I like this 'ragamuffin' concept. I've heard about it before...

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