Monday, January 11, 2010

Left or Right?

The fork in the road.
Option A: Take the familiar route.  Stick with what you know.  Continue on with life as normal, and never stray from the path.

Option B: Take a chance and go that new direction.  Throw caution to the wind and dive right in - Go the route less traveled, and plan on an adventure.

But how do you decide?  How do you decide that the choice you're making is the right choice?  Lists of Pros & Cons only get you so far, and contrary to popular belief, Google doesn't have all the answers.  Friends & family often have your best interests in mind while doling out advice, but in the end... they can't choose for you.  You can always throw a prayer up to God, but there's always that chance that you'll just misinterpret His response anyway!

How do you know?  How does anyone ever know?


  1. Just pray your answer from God is incredibly obvious. He's been sending me pretty clear answers lately, like slaming doors in my face.

    I'm praying for you!

  2. I like option b! :) i'm a bit biased though

  3. Dear Anonymous... I'm sort of leaning that direction myself :)

  4. I'm usually a stick with what's comfortable type but I find I have the most significant outcome when I choose the option that requires a bit more courage on my part. I went to Europe on a whim! I didn't have much time to get time off and pull finances together either but it was totally worth it and it's not something I would usually do.
    The worst that could happen is you don't enjoy whatever it is and then you try something else or decide that you liked what you were doing before and go back to it.

  5. :)
    While I appreciate your advice (and I am currently planning to go visit England this spring myself!), this particular fork in the road does not involve travel, or changing jobs, or what to eat for dinner.

    The current decision is something along the lines of choosing to remain single and self sufficient, continuing to live my life as I have for my entire existence, or, choosing to align my life with a certain gentleman who absolutely adores me. A choice that, at certain times seems so absolutely simple, and at other times completely scares the living daylights out of me! It's not a choice I want to screw up.

    So, who's ready for an adventure?!


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