Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Flowers are purdy

Like I said at Christmas, my cactus actually bloomed on time this year!

20 years I've had this thing!  After my gramma passed away, my mom handed it to me and said 'here, look after this.'   ...almost killed it a few times along the way, that's why it's not very big.  But it's doing great now!  I'm sure I'll have it for another 20 years.

These flowers appeared at my door yesterday.

Not often do flowers appear at my door - especially in the hands of a gentleman visitor!  :)  And by 'not often' I really mean 'never in my entire lifetime before this date'.  It was super nice, and they're purdy, and I like them.  (I'll stop with the mushy now so you don't lose your dinner.)

Which reminds me... I should probably come up with some sort of silly pseudonym for this particular gentleman so that I can candidly refer to him in my writing from time to time.  Seems like the right thing to do.  However, I'm a little short on imagination - so if you've got any great ideas, I'm willing to hear them! 


...and then there's this Flower:

I think this particular 'Flower' speaks for itself.


  1. Those are beautiful flowers! (both pics)

    My husband brought me chocolate today to help me feel better from my flu .... um, yes, flu and chocolate

  2. "Snugglebumpkinsmoochiepoo" - not my idea, but still very unique.

  3. Umm... flu + chocolate... well, at least he's trying, right? (but I thought you were on a no caffeine diet?)

    Timothy, thanks. Sort of... but I did see that on Brock's blog, so I know you just 'borrowed' it (sorry pal, but your imagination is about as active as mine). Also, it's a little long to have to type all the time.

  4. Awwwww!!!

    lol - my friends teased me a lot when I first started dating Jerry.

    In my blog, when we were in the beginning dating stages, I called him J to protect his privacy. It may not be mushy-romantic but a first initial is easy to type yet you still have some mystery to his identity.

    And your suitor has great taste - not just in who he courts but also in flowers.


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