Friday, November 27, 2009

Look out below!!

Ugh... So, it's that time of year again - time to put the snow tires on.  Tomorrow actually.  Woo.

On the plus side, I do not need to purchase tires, nor do I have to pay to have them changed.  Did you know Canadian Tire has a deal like that?  Purchase their tires (which are cheaper than at the dealership anyway) and they'll change 'em spring & fall for you.

Now, I used to store my tires at the farm, in the barn.  And every year I'd get a lecture about how 'those tires better not be ready for the dump, cause I'm not paying to take your tires to the dump!!'.  No Pa, if these tires got thrown out on me, I'd be mighty sad because they're pretty much new...

But now that I have my own place with SO MUCH closet space, (as my Ma frequently reminds me as she hands me things she thinks I should be responsible for storing), I just keep my tires here.  Saves my car from smelling like barnyard twice a year.

So... Tonight's job was to dig them out of the closet.  Not a simple task, what with a year's worth of empties and recycling in the way; and folding chairs, and table boards, and window screens, and a vacuum...

Now I have 4 tires sitting in the middle of my kitchen which need to be carried down a flight of stairs and put in the trunk of my car.  Did I mention that they're already on rims?  The things weigh about a thousand pounds a piece!!

I'm considering tossing them out my living room window and hoping that they don't bounce and roll onto the street below.


  1. They didn't weigh anywhere near 1000 pounds a piece. :) lol

  2. lol, well, I still appreciate the help :)

  3. You're slacking on your blogging... tsk tsk... :) lol

  4. I know it...
    I've been writing elsewhere the past couple days - no time to blog! lol


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