Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You know you're making a fashion statement when...

...the 4 year old in the room looks at your feet and proclaims 'You're wearing monkey shoes!' And then proceeds to be utterly fascinated by your footwear for the next 5 minutes (which is a very long time for any little person under the age of 5).

What can I say? They're ridiculously comfortable. Plus, they have passed the 'running around and kicking a soccer ball' test.

(Photo credit to some dude with a travel blog and keen sense of footwear)

As for the effects of these shoes (Vibram Fivefinger) on global warming, umm... I can't really imagine they help reverse global warming, what with being made in China, then shipped to the UK, then to BC, then to me...  Shipping alone probably burned enough fossil fuels to do significant damage to the atmosphere.
Did I mention how ridiculously comfy they are?


  1. Thank you.

    Next topic: Tobogganing in the summer.

  2. If only Hamilton had hills that didn't lead directly into busy traffic. Wait, does that make it a high intensity sport?


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