Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh S#@& !


What's the difference between a 'heavy flurry' and a 'snow squall' anyway?

And what's the deal with a 'Snow Squall WATCH'??

Caution: You live in Canada; it is no longer construction season, it might snow.  Hard to believe, I know, but it happens.

And speaking of snow, have you seen these things?:

I think I'd like one!  However, they're $40!!  A concussion really isn't worth that much to me.

On another note, notice anything different on the ol' blog today?


  1. I was gonna say it's feeling very festive here today! I saw those racing thingies at Chapters on the weekend but I didn't check the price. That would be fun times though. If you can get your hands on a spare vehicle hood (or are good at reattaching it) those work well too! Just make sure you distribute the weight somewhat evenly or you spin all the way down the hill (unless you prefer the added element of 'fun').

  2. A Christmas Tree! My are you creative!


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