Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Letters to Santa

It was a big deal in my house at this time of year to carefully flip through pages and pages of toys in the Sears Christmas Wishbook to pick that one thing to ask Santa for.  Carefully write it down on a piece of paper, (always remembering the manners with thanks for last year's gift), scrawl your name at the bottom, and confidently mail it off through Canada Post knowing that Santa would answer.

Of course... one year he didn't answer...  I hold no grudges though; he still managed to guess what I really wanted anyway.  (That letter was returned to me some 20 years later - it had fallen behind a desk at the post office and was found when doing some renovations.)

One year, not too long ago, I took it upon myself to mail some letters to Santa on behalf of some of my bible college friends.  Some of these friends had never received a letter from Santa; some of these friends didn't even know he would write you back!  2006 was a good year for them I tell ya!

Here are the letters I wrote and mailed on their behalf (don't worry, none of the addresses are current).  And yes, they did all get replies!:


Santa Claus
North Pole Canada
H0H 0H0


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