Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's almost over

Well, Christmas is just about over for another year.  One more day of family & too much food & gifts, and then we close the books on 2009.

It's been a long Christmas season this year; a good Christmas season.  Family & friends, church, gifts, video games, festive drinks, chocolate - too, too much chocolate!  Far too much food.  (We should really consider renaming 'December' something a little more appropriate.  I'm thinking 'Gluttonuary'.)  Time off, staying up too late, getting up too early....

And now, I'm about ready for a long winter nap.  The poor ol' immune system has been put through the ringer over the past week, and I'm pretty sure I'm about to explode in mucusy ickiness.   Oh yeah, and I just found out that one of my little cousins happens to have the chicken pox - which means that he was most likely contagious on Sunday when I saw him.  To the best of my knowledge, I've not had the chicken pox.  Wouldn't that be a grand way to begin 2010!

Speaking of the end of the year, Check out this blog post: 1000 Awesome Things.  I don't think I could say it any better myself!


  1. Oh man.... You never had chicken pox! Brutal.

  2. I've been a fan of 1000 awesome things for a while now. Good times!

    yeah having chicken pox now would really suck - for your sanity and health I hope you don't get it! My Christmas Cold (I have officially named it) pretty much consisted of a floating head and nose bleeds but both of those are the norm for me when I'm really congested.

    Anyway Happy New Year and all that fun stuff!


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