Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stop! It's ferry time

It is currently about 10pm (Atlantic Time) on Wednesday evening.  Dave & I are sitting in the car, in a lineup of traffic, between rows of transport trucks, waiting.  We're in North Sydney Nova Scotia, and have a 5am ferry to catch to Port aux Basques Newfoundland.  So we're waiting.  In the car.  Until 5am.

Thank the good Lord there is internet here!

We did indeed make good time to Atlantic Canada.  We took a friend home to Peterborough Monday evening, which began our trip East.  We've spent the past two days driving.  And driving, and driving, and driving.  Roughly 25 hours of rocks and trees and farmland and swamp and rocks and trees.  I do love Atlantic Canada for its wide open roads and sparse populations though.  Makes for a fast paced and relatively easy drive.

Newfoundland is a place I've wanted to travel to for a very, very long time.  The rugged scenery draws me there; the trees and rocks and ocean and icebergs and whales and fjords.  I'm excited.  I'm excited to get on the ferry.  I'm excited to be out on the ocean with the wind blowing and the waves splashing and the chance to see some whales and other marine life.  I could care less about visiting St Johns; cities are more stressful than fun to me, so we'll be traveling to Gros Morne National Park, and then up the west coast to St Anthony. 

Hopefully we get a little bit of sleep crammed in the car tonight because that 5am ferry ride is about 6hrs long, and then we have a 4 or 5 hour drive after that to get to Gros Morne.  Then we can finally relax for a few days!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm married??

So, at the dance the other night, I was chatting with a very good friend of mine who was telling me just how happy she was for me and it was all so fun and exciting.

I looked at her and said, "yeah but... isn't it weird?  I mean, I'm MARRIED!  Isn't that just a little bit weird?"

Well!  She jumped on that bandwagon!  "Heck yes its weird!  Good golly gee wiz it's weird!  SO weird!"  (sentence edited to remain PG of course).

And it is weird!  So weird.  Dave agrees. 
We spent months planning for it.  We spent thousands of dollars paying for it.  We've received a bajillion gifts and congratulations.  We stood in the church and said our lines; we ate the food at the dinner; we danced the dances; we threw the bouquet and cut the cake and all of that stuff.  But it's all still very surreal.  Other than seeing that ring on Dave's finger, life in general hasn't changed much, and it's just plain weird to call each other husband and wife.

From what I hear though, this is a pretty typical experience for most newly weds.

I'm in Edmundston NB right now.  Hanging out in a pretty decent Comfort Inn.  Yes, a hotel.  Tomorrow is ferry crossing day, and we decided a good night's sleep was not going to happen in a tent.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Travelling On

Well, after 5 months of stressing, and planning, and spreadsheets, and phone calls, and emails, and shopping, and etc, etc, etc...  Dave & I are finally married. 

Here's proof:

And now we're off on a 6000km roundtrip adventure to St Anthony Newfoundland - home of vikings, icebergs and whales!  I'll finally be able to check 'sitting on top of a fjord and watching an iceberg float by' off my bucket list.  Pretty excited  :)

This is Dave's very first epic road trip vacation adventure, and being the wired geek that he is, we're going in semi-comfort - camping when we feel like it, hotelling it the rest of the way, and bringing the trusty laptop along for the ride.  So I may be away, but I won't be out of the loop! 

I'm hoping blogging will happen, no promises though.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

One Week

So... I haven't exactly been blogging lately.  Oh, I've thought about it about a bajillion times, but really... I've been pretty absorbed with this one particular subject and it just doesn't make for good blogging material.

So let's just say: I'm not dead.

And maybe, just maybe, when these shenanigans are over, and I can get my life back, maybe I'll pay attention to my blog again.