Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It just breaks your heart (*sob*)

Today is the day that every 25-30 year old female has dreaded for the past 20 years.

The hope, the thought, the dream of a fairytale life has been brutally crushed.

We all take a collective deep breath in to calm the twinge of pain in our hearts; for on this day, we have all been stonewalled with the terrible news that we will never get the chance to marry a prince!

That ass Prince William has announced his engagement to his so called 'girlfriend'!! 

What a Jerk!

(I bet that's not even her real hair colour)


  1. Now now - there's always Harry ;-)

  2. Just have to find a different country that has royalty. None will be as beautiful as William though...sadness and tears, sadness and tears!


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