Saturday, August 17, 2013

Oh Bees!

So, just to be clear, I am not a beekeeper.  I know nothing about bees, or how to look after them.  But eventually, I'm going to have to learn because my husband is in the process of becoming a beekeeper and he promises that he's going to drag me along with him!  (Willingly, of course!)

Unless you've had your head under a rock for most of this year, you will have at least heard about colony collapse and bee die-off and how everyone seems to be pointing their fingers at seed grain (corn, soybeans, wheat) covered in pesticides as the #1 culprit.

Once again, I am not a beekeeper; I am not a biologist; I am not a farmer; I really haven't done any research into this; my husband's bees have been unaffected by this whole thing; and in all honesty, I don't know what's going on, or who to believe.  But this sure is happening:

The OBA (Ontario Beekeepers Association) has started a petition to right out ban Neonicotinoid (the pesticide in question).  Their petition can be found here.

In response to this petition, the GFO (Grain Farmers of Ontario) have started a similar campaign asking the government to not be too hasty in their decision because there's still a lot of research to be done.  Their view on things can be found here.

Both organizations make reasonable arguments, but for now, I think I'll just sit on the sidelines and watch things unfold.

Monday, August 12, 2013

So, I've noticed that I've had 74 visitors to my blog over the last month, and I've not written a darned thing!

We went on vacation last week; rented a quaint/rustic/authentic(?) - ok! So it was a beat up, run down crappy little cottage!  But we had a lot of fun!

Seriously though, it was a cute little cottage, in a great place where we had a bunch of visitors coming and going all week. We played on the beach, went for walks, visited a museum, did some shopping, dinner out, etc, etc, etc

I value yearly family vacation.  It's something my family has always done, and it's something I plan to continue doing with my own family - even if I have to drag them kicking and screaming!  Time spent together is important.  Even if it's forced.

One thing I did realize though, it's freaking exhausting!
I was very glad to get back to work today for a bit of a rest!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Back at it

Today was my first day back to work.

I've been fielding a lot of questions lately that go something like this: "aren't you going to miss that cute little boy of yours?".

The polite answer of course, the MOM answer, is "of course I'm going to miss him, but he's going to somewhere familiar, so it won't be so bad".

The real answer, the one I keep to myself because it makes me sound like a terrible parent, is "are you freaking kidding me?!  I can't wait to get out of the house by myself and be a real human again!"

I donno... People seem to think I should be spending the week crying at my desk.  Nah, not going to happen.  I love my kid to pieces; he's pretty much - well, no, he IS the cutest kid on the planet, and happy and cuddly and fun.  But I don't miss him.  I know where he is; I know he's safe and having fun.  I don't need to miss him.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Zombie Apocalypse

Dave's nephew turns 7 tomorrow.  He is zombie crazy, and this happens to be 'Emergency Preparedness Week' (just a coincidence), so I put together a Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit for him.

I'll admit, I don't have a creative thought of my own in my head; I found the idea on Pinterest.  The original can be seen here:

So, first off, I went to the dollar store and spent $10 on candy, (his mother can thank me later), and also picked up a wooden box.

Then I made up some labels for the candy; the sort of thing you might find in a survival kit

Then, using words like 'zombie', 'survival kit', 'survival gear', I searched the internet for some extra decorative stuff.

Interesting to note: the CDC (Center for Disease Control) has an entire section on their website devoted to preparing for a Zombie Invasion.'s a lesson in emergency preparedness for kids, but still, it's pretty cool.  You can find it here:

REI (like Mountain Equipment Co-op, but in the States), also had a very helpful infographic that I printed out:  They suggest packing a cast iron pan both for cooking with and whacking zombies - good advice!

 Wrap up the candy; throw in a new water gun and some glow sticks...

 The Zombi-fied picture came from everyone's favourite cable Zombie show: AMC's The Walking Dead.  You can find the app to 'Dead yourself' on their website.  Decorate the box, and pack it all up:

A few bloodied, dirty hand prints on the box, and we're ready to rock and roll!

Hope he likes it!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Use that thing between your ears.

By now, most of the world knows about what happened at the Boston Marathon yesterday.  An unimaginably horrible act by some sick individual/group who, as of yet, has not bothered to take responsibility or give motive for the destruction.

This morning, as I checked Facebook, I was met with many images, status updates, and posts sending thoughts and prayers to those affected by this bombing.

One particular image caught my eye.  A photo of a bespectacled little girl running with determination, her long hair blowing in the wind behind her.  She was wearing a runners bib - obviously in a race.  The note to the side of the photo reads:

"See this little girl?
She died today.
She was running in the marathon for the Sandy Hook kids.
She's 8.
Repost if you respect her.
Wear red tomorrow to support her and the others who died."

Touches the heartstrings, doesn't it?  An innocent 8 year old child caught in a senseless tragedy.  Naturally, this photo has been shared some 83,400 time in the 10 hours it's been on Facebook.

I didn't feel it was appropriate for me to share the photo here, mostly because....


And anyone, ANYONE, with HALF A BRAIN could figure that out.

For starters, 10 hours ago, when this picture emerged, the identities of the victims of the bombings had not been released.  About 3 hours ago, they had released that an 8 year old did in fact die - an 8 year old boy who was watching the race.  The little girl is wearing a runners bib that clearly says: Joe Cassella 5k.  Last time I checked, that is not what the Boston Marathon is called.  It took 5 seconds to Google this race and find that it takes place in May every year, in Grand Falls VA.  It isn't May yet; this race has not yet happened.  Which means that last May, at the 2012 race, this little girl could not have been running 'for the Sandy Hook kids' because that particular senseless tragedy didn't happen until December 2012!

What sort of ASSHAT takes a random photo of an innocent little girl, adds some ridiculous, yet emotionally charged, LIES to that photo and then sends it out on the internet just for the sake of seeing how many gullible people will spread that lie?

With the ever-increasing popularity of social media, I'm seeing this kind of crap more and more.  Facebook seems to be a breeding ground for it, but even Pinterest is not immune.  Honestly, do you really think that adding baking soda and peroxide to Mountain Dew will make it glow?  I see this 'experiment' on Pinterest almost daily.  One might argue that it will improve the taste, but it's still just carbonated sugar water; it's not going to glow!  (Hate to burst your bubble, but that picture has been photoshopped.)

It seems to go against our natural human instincts to be critical and question what we see and hear; we want desperately to be able to trust everyone.  But time and time again, we're proven wrong - there are just too many asshats out there, sitting behind the private veil of a computer screen, spreading lies and deceit for the sake of.... of what?  Popularity?  For the most part, it's being done anonymously; there is no popularity to be won - so what sort of sadistic kicks are they getting out of this??  It's unfortunate that these people wouldn't put a little bit of effort into something more constructive.

Quite often, I think it's a case of, "Well, it might be true, so if I pass it on I'm doing a good thing.  And even if it isn't true... it's not really hurting anyone."  And the lies are spread from one friend group to the next, gaining exponential speed across the internet.  But I ask you one thing:  If that was your picture, instead of that little girl's, claiming that YOU had died at the marathon, how would you feel?  How do you think that little girl's parents feel?  What a horrible violation of a person's life!  It's essentially identity theft and it's criminal.  There was an article circulated around Facebook not two weeks ago, from the Calgary Herald, about this exact thing, and yet the problem persists.  Until we find a way to cure people of asshattery, this will continue to be a problem.

It is wrong and I am tired of it.  But we can all take steps to prevent further spread of these hoaxes.  It takes less than 30 seconds, using that thing between your ears, to do a bit of research on Google (or to figure out if something is true or not. Everyone, whether you choose to believe it or not, has a brain; so if I catch you not using your brain and spreading one of these hoaxes, without checking the validity of the story, I'm going to personally have you banned from the internet!

And one more thing, get on your Facebook account right now and double check ALL of your privacy settings.  Who has access to your photos?  Don't let yourself become the next victim of asshattery.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I do not envy my 7 month old

The D-Man will be 7 months old tomorrow. 

He's been pretty busy on the farm lately:

Here are some of the things he's been working on this week:
-he practises numerous new sounds almost constantly, including clicking his tongue
-he practising his head shaking; plus he's trying to figure out nodding (he thinks its hilarious!)
-he wants to crawl sooooo bad and he's getting very mobile
-he's learning to wave
-he's working on picking things up with his fingers
-he's teething
-he's biting
-he's trying new foods
-he's starting to get emotional when things don't go his way

His little noggin is working so hard that you can practically see the wheels spinning - and if you look closely, I'm pretty sure you'll see the odd puff of smoke come out his ears.  For such a little guy, it's a lot to take on all at once and he's having trouble settling down to relax and sleep because of it.  Fun and exciting times had by all.  But, honestly, it's exhausting!

In other news, I saw this facebook conversation on a friend's wall the other day and the comment was so perfectly put that I need to share:

Thursday, January 31, 2013

'P' Food


These are 'P' foods that help you Poop.
You don't really realize just how important poop is until you wake up one day and think to yourself, 'Geez, I've just spent every single day of the last 6 months analyzing the contents of my child's diaper.'

It's unfortunate that the 'P' rule stops at fruits and vegetables because my little dude loves pudding and pizza too!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Conversations with a 6 month old

Him: 'Na na naaaa'

Me: 'No, Mom.  Mom mom mom'

Him: 'Baaaa'

Me: 'Mooooomm.  Mom'

Him: 'Naaaaaa DADA!'

Me: 'Oh you little rat!'

Him: *giggle*