Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Holy Week

Where has the time gone?  Easter is just around the corner, and Lent is pretty much done and over with for another year.

And not a moment too soon...

Let's just say that 'Robert' and I had a falling out.  Well, ok, here's the thing:  Running with Robert is a great idea!  And I wholeheartedly endorse it, and congratulate those who have seen it through to the end.  Me, however, I am a bandwagon hopper.  And Robert requires too much effort on my part, so I've pretty much hopped off that wagon.  Perhaps it was too structured for my liking, or maybe I'm just not committed enough.  And I really don't like his music.  So what's the point of running to something I'm not enjoying?  It makes it a chore and that's just not cool.

Come on!  We all knew how this would end, right?

Anyway... I definitely haven't given up the treadmill (heck!  I paid money for that!  I'm not giving that up!), and can manage to run/walk/gasp/hobble a respectable 15 (make that 13) minute mile - a number I would like to, and plan to, improve (without Robert's help).

In the meantime, I'm very impatiently waiting for spring to return so I can get back outside and finish cleaning up my yard and flowerbeds and barn, and get everything organized for all the partying that is associated with getting married.

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