Saturday, August 17, 2013

Oh Bees!

So, just to be clear, I am not a beekeeper.  I know nothing about bees, or how to look after them.  But eventually, I'm going to have to learn because my husband is in the process of becoming a beekeeper and he promises that he's going to drag me along with him!  (Willingly, of course!)

Unless you've had your head under a rock for most of this year, you will have at least heard about colony collapse and bee die-off and how everyone seems to be pointing their fingers at seed grain (corn, soybeans, wheat) covered in pesticides as the #1 culprit.

Once again, I am not a beekeeper; I am not a biologist; I am not a farmer; I really haven't done any research into this; my husband's bees have been unaffected by this whole thing; and in all honesty, I don't know what's going on, or who to believe.  But this sure is happening:

The OBA (Ontario Beekeepers Association) has started a petition to right out ban Neonicotinoid (the pesticide in question).  Their petition can be found here.

In response to this petition, the GFO (Grain Farmers of Ontario) have started a similar campaign asking the government to not be too hasty in their decision because there's still a lot of research to be done.  Their view on things can be found here.

Both organizations make reasonable arguments, but for now, I think I'll just sit on the sidelines and watch things unfold.

Monday, August 12, 2013

So, I've noticed that I've had 74 visitors to my blog over the last month, and I've not written a darned thing!

We went on vacation last week; rented a quaint/rustic/authentic(?) - ok! So it was a beat up, run down crappy little cottage!  But we had a lot of fun!

Seriously though, it was a cute little cottage, in a great place where we had a bunch of visitors coming and going all week. We played on the beach, went for walks, visited a museum, did some shopping, dinner out, etc, etc, etc

I value yearly family vacation.  It's something my family has always done, and it's something I plan to continue doing with my own family - even if I have to drag them kicking and screaming!  Time spent together is important.  Even if it's forced.

One thing I did realize though, it's freaking exhausting!
I was very glad to get back to work today for a bit of a rest!