A couple weeks ago, I loaned out my hiking backpack to a co-worker who will be hiking part of the Grand Canyon this winter.
I am insanely jealous.
A couple years ago, I was supposed to go on an epic girls adventure to Las Vegas, which would have included a close up and personal view of the Grand Canyon. For reasons beyond my control, my plane never left Buffalo. Rainy, boring Buffalo.
When I found out that this co-worker, and her husband, and a few other people were going to be actually hiking IN the Grand Canyon, well, it was all I could do to contain myself. What an excellent adventure! I sure did get right on the internet, look up the Grand Canyon National Park website, find all the maps, do all the price calculations, and plan myself an epic two week Grand Canyon road trip - complete with a five day hike through the canyon!
Trouble is, I'm pregnant. This trip just isn't in the cards for me anytime soon.
So... I loaned out my hiking backpack. At least IT will get to go to the Grand Canyon!
Since all six of you who read this blog are related to me, it shouldn't come as a surprise to know that I'm pregnant. So here's some answers to all the questions I've been getting lately:
Really?? You're pregnant??
Yes. Yes, most definitely. Would you like to know which body part the nurse practitioner looked at just to be sure?
When are you due?
Well, by my calculations, July 4th, 2012. However, I haven't heard the results from the dating ultrasound yet, so I might be off by a couple days. Also, as we all know, baby comes when baby is damn well ready to come and not a moment before. It would be perfectly normal for that date to be off by up to two weeks in either direction. Feel free to start a baby pool (baby could use the extra money!).
Do you know what you're having?
The first, and only, ultra sound that we've currently had was at about 9 1/2 weeks. It looked an awful lot like a gerbil.
Are you going to find out the sex?
Finding out the sex of your baby before the baby is born is akin to opening up a Christmas present before Christmas Day. It sounds like a good time, but you end up with nothing to look forward to. I have no intention of finding out early. I do have my inklings... but I wouldn't want to bias the baby pool!
How do you feel?
Like a bloated hormonal oven that suddenly has the attention of literally everyone. Seriously though, compared to some, my first three months were like a walk in the park. When I felt crappy, it sucked, but it was also very rare, and it seems to be over now. No talking to Ralph on the big porcelain phone for me (thank you God!).
How long had you been trying?
About.... five minutes. Dave will try to tell you that he didn't even know we were trying (don't believe him). Really though, we're both 31 years old; time is not something we have to waste.
Can I touch your belly?
Do you want your fingers broken? Currently, the little gerbil is less than 2 inches long and tucked neatly behind a pelvic bone. What you're perceiving as a 'baby bump' is nothing more than Chinese food and horrible bloaty gas. I suggest you don't touch.
Do you have names picked?
We still have 6 months for that. I'm really not looking forward to other people's unsolicited opinions for names. (I'm already getting unsolicited opinions for everything from sleeping arrangements to clothing to strollers - and the news has only been out for a week!) So, lets just keep name choices a surprise for now.
on joining a cult
8 years ago