Story of my life.
Hey! Friends are good to have right?!
At the risk of my Aunt Marg taking this news and bringing it up at the Thanksgiving dinner table this weekend (love you Aunt Marg!)... I'm going to talk about it anyway:
A few of you know, most of you don't, that about 6 months ago I met a guy on an online dating website (lame! I know. And I said I'd never do that too.). And we spent a lot of time emailing back & forth and getting to know each other. Super nice guy! Local, hard working Dutch farm boy, involved in his church, drives a pickup truck, and not bad lookin' either!
(I can pretty much say whatever I want about him cause he doesn't read this!)
You know.... there's always that glimmer of hope that something is actually going to work out in your favour. And I was really hoping that this time might be it!
I've met him. Real live, in the flesh - and he looks like his picture! We've gone out a few times (more than 3, less than 6). That's hard to explain too... What exactly is the correct term to use when you're going out on dates with a guy, but you're not actually dating him? What is the word for that? Uncommitted? :P
Anyway, things have been going painfully slow, and pretty much stalled out there a few weeks ago. Lack of 'spark', as some wise person put it. So we've had the "you know what, this isn't actually working, let's just be friends and if sometime in the distant future we both lose our memories and forget how awkward this was, maybe something magical will happen and we'll get that spark and live happily ever after, but until then, we're just friends" talk.
So, back to square one.
Umm... yeah.
I just keep repeating, "dating is awkward, but so is becoming the crazy cat lady, dating is awkward..."
I'm joking. You know that, right? I'm allergic to cats, otherwise I'd have 6 by now.
I've been reading a lot of 1 Corinthians over the past 12 hours or so. That Apostle Paul guy really pushes the 'it's better to stay single and live for God' thing...
I need sleep.
on joining a cult
8 years ago
I found it very difficult to get in to the dating scene. I browsed at the dating websites but ended up trying speed dating.
ReplyDeleteYeah, well that was interesting. Something I'd actually recommend. Not necessarily to get a date but it does give you a chance to really focus on what you want in a relationship.
I ended up joining a Meet-ups movie group (just people who get together to watch a movie and then discuss over beer). Got a couple dates out of that but no real sparks.
But when Jerry came along, I was in the mindset to take a risk.
Oh, and my cousin Kelly has been happily married for 6 years to a man she knew from online. So, it can happen.
Best of luck!
PS - Jerry's allergic to cats too. But he doesn't have problems with rabbits. Maybe you could be crazy bunny woman.
Crazy bunny lady.... It fits! Jealous of your ability to end relationships on a good note.
ReplyDeleteHe drove a pickup truck, meaning he hated the environment, meaning he's the leading cause of Global Warming, meaning he's out to kill you (albeit in a very passive aggressive way).
ReplyDeleteNot worth the trouble if they're out to get you from the start.
Hey! Just because someone drives a pick up doesn't mean they hate the environment.
ReplyDeleteMen who drive pickup trucks are generally impotent and won't be trying to kiss you, or do other things that women interpret as "Spark"...
ReplyDeleteSuggestions: Stop alternating between completely spineless pathetic men and completely dumbass hillbilly men exclusively...
Not as bad as those guys that drive sports cars. What exactly are they trying to compensate for eh?
ReplyDeleteOuch. What's with the flame war guys?
ReplyDeletePickup Truck
Import Car.
One night only, flame war coming to a blog near you.
Toyota happens to make a very good pickup truck. Come on guys! We can all be friends!