The D-Man will be 7 months old tomorrow.
He's been pretty busy on the farm lately:
Here are some of the things he's been working on this week:
-he practises numerous new sounds almost constantly, including clicking his tongue
-he practising his head shaking; plus he's trying to figure out nodding (he thinks its hilarious!)
-he wants to crawl sooooo bad and he's getting very mobile
-he's learning to wave
-he's working on picking things up with his fingers
-he's teething
-he's biting
-he's trying new foods
-he's starting to get emotional when things don't go his way
His little noggin is working so hard that you can practically see the wheels spinning - and if you look closely, I'm pretty sure you'll see the odd puff of smoke come out his ears. For such a little guy, it's a lot to take on all at once and he's having trouble settling down to relax and sleep because of it. Fun and exciting times had by all. But, honestly, it's exhausting!
In other news, I saw this facebook conversation on a friend's wall the other day and the comment was so perfectly put that I need to share:
on joining a cult
8 years ago