Wednesday, October 31, 2012


At 3 1/2 months, the D-Man has reached a very important milestone today in the life of all little boys - he now grabs his, *ahem*, boy parts while I change his diaper.  And he's pretty darned proud of it too!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Baby's asleep.
Husband's asleep.
Kitchen's cleaned up; dishwasher is running.
Laundry is in.

It may be 10:30 at night, but I've finally got 5 minutes to myself!

So what am I doing with this time?  Well, I should really be sleeping, but instead, I'm watching episodes of The Walking Dead.

As for this blog...
These days, when I think of something profound and blog-worthy, I don't have time to write it, what with a little man to look after and all.  And when I do have time to sit down and write something, I'm too exhausted to think straight!