We're closing in on 3 months of married life now, and finally received our marriage certificate in the mail! Woo! Its official, we're married! (Took it long enough... Now I can start the long and painful process of changing my name on all my ID etc.)
What's probably more monumental is that we just passed the two year anniversary of the most horrible date on the face of the planet. That would be the one where I told Dave that there would never, ever, ever be a second date. Gee, I sure showed him!
We're also coming up to the one year anniversary of us moving to the Pie Company and living in sin together. Where has that year gone?! And no, now that we're married (and no longer living in sin), we're not planning to run out and buy a house just yet. No one looks at the MLS listings more than me, but man oh man! We've accumulated too much stuff just to pack up and move out for no better reason than being married now. We're committed to living here for at least another year, maybe five, perhaps ten. Its a gorgeous spot - I'm in no hurry to give it up. (Plus, I can't imagine how we're ever going to get that treadmill down the stairs!)
So... this 'Honeymoon Stage' people are always talking about: I've been asked a number of times over the past month or so if we're still in the honeymoon stage. That's the part of a relationship where you get on each others' nerves and push buttons just to test each others' limits and to see what you can get away with before the other person yells at you, right? If so, yes, we're still in the honeymoon stage, and loving it! :P
on joining a cult
8 years ago